Women's Community Group
The Community Development Officer assists Centacare
with running weekly the Women’s Group.
Women on the Move
Thursdays from 9am to 3pm in the Town Hall.
Morning Tea & Lunch will be provided.
The purpose of the course is to encourage young women to think about further training &/or employment opportunities.
Training will be given to complete:
- First Aid
- Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSI) (Unit SITHFAB201).
- Prepare & Serve Espresso Coffee (Barista) (Unit SITHFAV204).
- Food Hygiene.
- Laundering & preparing fabrics & clothing.
- Completing Driver’s Licence or attaining the beginning documents
will be undertaken in the Program.
Other items that will be included in the program:
A hairdresser & beautician will present information & knowledge regarding personal presentation & grooming. Beginning computing. Communication skills, listening, managing anger, budgeting, self esteem, confidence, healthy eating, respectful relationships, women’s health, dressmaking/sewing, art, jewellery making, relaxation techniques, massage & other fun activities.
Voluntary registration with the RJCP Program will be required.
The program is for young women only, aged 16 years to 27 years old.
Everyone is welcome!
This program is designed to be fun & informative, and you will leave the program with all your Identity documents, some completed training units & a better understanding of career options for yourself.For expressions of interest or enquiries please contact:
Elisha Hodder
Youth & Community Development Coordinator
Shire of Yalgoo
Ph: (08) 9962 8042
Fax: (08) 9962 8202
Parent Coordinator / Social Worker
Ph: 9962 8207